Arancini spinach and saffron

Per 5 persone

450gr of rice
120 – 150g of frozen spinach (about 3 cubes)
2 vegetable stock cubes
hot water (about 1,3lt)
1 shallot
3 or 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 knobs of butter
3 heaping tablespoons of grated cheese
Zafferano Collina d’Oro (4 threads)
About 150g of scamorza or mozzarella (dry)
bread crumbs
sunflower oil for frying

In a pan fry the chopped shallots with ‘oil and a knob of butter, add the rice and toast;
Blend with the boiling broth or wine;
Bring the rice to cooking, always helping with the hot broth;
Meanwhile, in a saucepan, boil the spinach in boiling salted water, drain, squeeze and finely crumble;
Apart dissolve the saffron in hot water (about 100 ml);
The last 5 minutes, add the saffron (this for give to the risotto a nice warm color) and immediately chopped spinach;
Finally turn off the heat, leaving the risotto and stir in a knob of butter and grated cheese;
Transfer the risotto on a tray, widening it so himself cool for good;
When is completely cool, take a handful, put in the middle a cube of smoked cheese;
Form the arancino, compacted well and pass it only in breadcrumbs;
Do this until all the ingredients are finished;
Once all the little croquettes are ready, fry in deep hot oil, drain on paper towels and serve immediately.