Saffron pie

For 8 people

1 roll of vegan pasta brisé
700 g potatoes
250 grams of drained peas (equivalent to 1 box)
3 medium carrots
300 ml soy milk
1 package of soy cream
Zafferano Collina d’Oro (4 threads)
extra virgin olive oil

Bake the potatoes in a pot – your choice if you decide to cook them already peeled or not – and also add the carrots cut into cubes. When the potatoes are cooked, place them in a bowl and begin to mash them with the help of a fork, while the carrots keep aside.
Once you have obtained a homogeneous pulp, let cool for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in a small container, add the saffron and stir, then add the cream. Keep on stirring until the saffron will be completely amalgamated.
Take back the bowl of potatoes and add diced carrots, drained peas, parsley, salt, pepper and a little drop of olive oil. Begin to mix well and if the mixture is too dense, add another little drop of oil.
Then roll out the dough brisé vegan into the pan and prick the bottom of dough with a fork. Pour the potato mixture into the pan.
Then pour the mixture of cream and saffron, until the whole cake
Close the edges and bake at 180 for 40 minutes.